To summon Seondeok as your legendary commander in Rise of Kingdoms. Which gives her an excellent defense while gathering resource spots on the map that most commanders lack the ability to do so. But she also comes with a powerful active skill that does high damage and reduces an enemy’s rage. Most of her skills revolve around the ability to bring in a chock-full of resources in less time. Seondeok is a legendary commander from Korea and is one of the popular choices for gathering. To kick start our in-depth commander guide about Seondeok, I want to briefly talk about her.

The purpose of this overview guide is to help new and experienced players understand how to play Seondeok right and maximize strategic advantages. This informative guide was created to help provide an overview of Seondeok skills, talent trees, gameplay, strategies, and guides in Rise of Kingdoms. Welcome to our in-depth Rise of Kingdoms guide for Commander Seondeok. In Samguksagi, Queen Seondeok was described as “generous, benevolent, wise, and smart”. She was the second female sovereign in recorded East Asian history and encourages a renaissance in thought, literature, and the arts in Silla. She was Silla’s twenty-seventh ruler and its first reigning queen. Queen Seondeok of Silla reigned as Queen Regnant of Silla, one of the Three Kingdoms of Korea, from 632 to 647.

Increases gathering rate of all resources by 20%.Increases gathering rate of gold by 30%.Deals 1,400 damage with her active skill and reduces target’s rage by 100.Rise of Kingdoms Tier List (November 2022 Update) Seondeok Summary: