This language is simplified from prior versions. The word “reside” shall be defined as: To dwell permanently or continuously or to occupy a place as a person’s fixed, permanent, and principal home for legal purposes.DX Clubs: Participation is limited to club members residing within EITHER the DXCC country where the club is located OR within a 400 km radius circle from the center of club.USA Clubs: Participation is limited to club members residing within a 250 mile radius circle from the center of club area.Reasoning: This further clarifies the definition of MS as was already provided in the FAQ section. This was in response to a post on CQ-Contest made by a member of the contest community. The word “transmitter” is updated to “station/signal” and there is now reference made to the FAQ section. We hope this will provide some insight into the reasons for the updates. In addition to the updates, the thought process behind each update is included. The following are updates made to the 2016 rules, effective for the 2017 CQWW SSB and CW weekends. CQ Announce changes to rules for the upcoming CQ WW SSB and CW