On your income tax report ( Steuerbescheid) as “IdNr” – example On your salary tax statement ( Lohnsteuerbescheinigung) as “Identifikationsnummer” – example.On your pay slip ( Gehaltsabrechnung) as “Steuer ID” – example.On the document you get from the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern, after you register your address for the first time, as “Persönliche Identificationsnummer” – example.

If you already have a tax ID, you can find it here: You can’t go to the Finanzamt just after Anmeldung. There is no way to get your tax ID faster. You will get your tax ID by post 2 to 4 weeks later. If you can’t register your address, fill this form. If you registered your address before, you already have a tax ID.

2 to 4 weeks later, you get a letter from the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern. You get a tax ID when you register your address for the first time. You also need a tax ID to start a business. If you have children, you need their tax ID to apply for child benefits ( Kindergeld), and to get a Kitagutschein. 1 You will get that money back later, either on future paycheques, or when you file a tax return. If you don’t have a tax ID, your employer puts you in tax class 6, and you pay more salary tax. You do not need a tax ID to start working, but you need one to pay the right amount of salary tax. Your employer needs your tax ID to calculate your salary tax. It’s also called Steuerliche Identifikationsnummer, Persönliche Identificationsnummer, Identifikationsnummer, Steuer-IdNr., IdNr or Steuer-ID. The tax ID is permanent it never changes. The Finanzamt uses this number to identify you. This is your unique, permanent tax identification number. German residents have different tax identification numbers.